Saturday, August 30, 2008

Bye, Bye Annie

I'm not sure if anyone is going to read this post, considering I don't have annie anymore, but it feels wrong just ending it, so this is my final post. I've learned quite a few things over the past month.

Things I learned about Annie:
She is made up of 10 percent independence, 15 percent curiosity, 25 percent stubborn, and 50 percent honey.
If you're in a rush with Annie, pretend you're not: it goes much faster.
If she won't do something, circumnavigate.
Everything is not "too scary." I think she thinks this is her ongoing joke.
She understands a whole lot more of your conversation than you want her too.
Curiosity killed the cat, and damaged a lot of my stuff.
If you want her to smile for a picture, tell her to "smile for daddy."
Bob is the only effective distraction.

Things Annie taught me:
Don't be afraid to dance in public.
Try things yourself, but if you need to, ask for help.
Start every morning by telling someone, "good morning. beautiful day." It might just make their day.
Find joy in the small things.
Sing more.
She taught me how to roar like every imaginable type of lion.
Sometimes, things just get a little to loud.
Making people laugh is not overrated.
Karen, this one's for you: if you feel like you can't do it on your own, ask God to "hold yous." I guarantee he won't ever say no.

I'm not going to write the things that I taught Annie. I'll leave that as a surprise for her parents. Hopefully they won't figure out what she's saying. I told Annie it was our secret.

Well, that's all I got for my final post. There's just one thing left to say:

Love you Annie Belle.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Happy Days

Annie has been so happy the past two days. She laughs and giggles all the time, and is constantly calling out, "Kelsey Jo, Chase Me," followed shortly after by, "More tickle, more tickle." There have been some fun times.

I was about to take Annie over to her house, and she had been playing with two paint stir sticks. I told her that if she wanted to go over to her house, we were going to have to leave the sticks behind. She responded by saying that was, "So Frustrating!"

Last night, Annie was chatting with me and she told me what sounded like, "parents do everything." I thought this was a pretty astute observation. However, today we were listening to a Veggietales CD and the song "The Pirates who don't do anything" came on and she started singing along. It was then that I figured out she was actually telling me that, "Pirates do everything."

Today, Annie told me the sweetest thing. She was outside playing with me and she turned and said, "Brother Dano come over after nap. Watch horsies with me. Mommy, Daddy too."

Lee has also been pretty busy around here. Annie has told me that daddy is going to wash the mirrors, take pictures of everything she likes, sing her songs, he's been on the TV, and he was supposed to give her a bath and clean up the playroom yesterday. He didn't do a very good job on the playroom.

I think that you guys are going to have to get Annie a dog because she has become quite the trainer. On our walks, she now tells the dogs "heel", "come here", "wrong way, go other way", "don't lick grass", and, of course, at the end "good dog."

Painting with sponges

Painting with marbles

playing at her house

drawing with Kate

painting the house

telling us to "be quiet, too loud"

tracing her hand

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Paint and a Haircut, Two Bits

We had a craft morning two days ago. Annie had lots of fun playing with glitter, painting with flowers and leaves, and a couple other things we did.

I realize Anne looks quite angry here, but the funny thing was she had been smiling for a picture for about 30 seconds. My camera, however was being slow, so I said, "Annie, hold the smile just a little longer." She told me, "No hold it," my camera started working, and this is the look I caught on camera.

I left the water running when I went to put a load of clothes in. The bubbles got a little out of control, but Annie couldn't have been happier.

Painting with Kool-aid and an ice cube.

We all got fed up with trying to keep a barrete in Annie's hair to keep her hair out of her eyes. Kate decided to fufill her dreams of being a hair stylist and give Annie some bangs. Unfortunately, Annie moved right as Kate was making the crucial cut, so they turned out shorter than we expected. They'll grow back, eventually.

Now, Annie keeps telling me she has, "Crazy Hair!" No one told her to say this. She came up with it all on her own. However, later that night I went through and asked, "Does Rufie have crazy hair? Does Katie have crazy hair? Do I have crazy hair?" She told me no to all of them, and at the end said, "Just Annie."

Yes, that is Annie holding her hair.

Annie looked in the mirror and told me her hair looked like Roofie's.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tennis, Crafts, and the Cities

My dad, brother, sister, and I went to play tennis one night. My mom walked by the courts later with Annie. Annie was so excited to see us. She said, "Hi Kelsey! Hi Katie! Hi Adam! Hi Dennis!" It was funny because she said it in a way that was like: "Fancy seeing you here. I walked all this way and I found you." She loved watching tennis. The only bad part was she always wanted to go get the balls for us and give them to us, but sometimes the ball was still in play. All I can say is, Sharapova, watch out.

Annie loves playing at her house. We take her over there as often as we can. Last time we did some crafts. Anne loves doing art projects.

We went to the cities on Sunday, and Annie was great. She had a lot of fun. On the way down, Annie was a little backseat driver. Annie told Kate (who was driving), "Katie, take nap NOW!" She also said, "Katie laugh. Katie Dance. Katie Wake Up. Katie BE CAREFUL"

One time, I was putting her in her car seat and she didn't want to and kept pushing me away with her hands. I folded my hands and said, "Annie, can you do this." She went, "Oh, pray," and folded her hands. She then said, "Thank you Jesus. Please keep Roofie safe. Amen"

In all the stores there was music playing, so of course, Annie had to dance. The only problem was she would always say, "Dance too!" So we would be forced to dance with her. We probably made quite the scene in all the stores as we were dancing away. You can't be embarrassed when you have a four year old.

My mom was trying to get Annie to take a nap, but Annie was having too much fun playing with her doll, so she stalled. My mom said, "Time for a nap, annie." Annie responded, "Baby take nap too." So my mom told her to bring the baby along. Annie said, "No! Crib," and put her baby in the crib. My mom told annie it was time to take a nap too now, but annie said, "No! Baby blanket." So my mom had to get the baby a blanket. My mom said it was time for a nap now, but annie responded, "Read book to baby," so my mom grabbed a book. Then, Annie said, "No! Spiders. To Scary." My mom went to find another book when all of a sudden, Annie shouts, "Baby Wake Up!!!" and grabbed her baby out of the crib and held her above her head. Annie was hauled into the bedroom giggling all the way and forced to take a nap after that.

I was talking to Annie and asking her questions. I asked her what her full name was and she told me, "Annie S[h]ervheim." I told her very good and asked her what my name was. She told me, "Kelsey Jo S[h]ervheim." I bet you guys didn't know you were adopting me too. I told her my name was Gladen but she wasn't convinced.

Barnes and Noble (It was two stories high. Annie loved the escalators.)

Cruising with Sesame Street.

Annie was so good that we let her get a huge chocolate ice cream cone when we were done. She ate all of it. I once heard you weren't supposed to reward kids with food. However, I see no problem with it.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Anne Shows off her Moves

A trip to Fargo

We took a trip to Fargo yesterday. Annie had a great time.

At Scheels, she loved the escalators and kept wanting to ride up and down them. We tried to get her on the Ferris Wheel, but she told us it was "too scary." She also went searching for Adam and was yelling "ADAM!!" up and down the isles. She finally found him and said, "I found you!" and ran and gave him a hug. She later told me that he was, "pretty sneaky." Adam found that funny. At 6'5'', you don't get called sneaky very often.

All the way back from Fargo, Annie was trying to get Kate and I to wake up and play with her. "Katie, wake up. Wake Up!!" I was able to ignore the "Kelsey, Wake up," until she started tickling me. I had to laugh.

This morning, Annie was watching Kate put on some jewelry and she said she wanted some. Kate gave her a couple of bracelets, and then Annie was off to show Roofie how pretty she looked. Roofie said she looked beautiful and Anne was off again. Annie came back into the room 30 seconds later without the bracelets. Roofie asked, "Where are your bracelets?" Annie promptly responded, "Garbage."

Annie was watching "Queen Esther Bob" downstairs. I was upstairs putting clothes away. I heard a cabinet door slam so I came down to see what was happening. Annie was going down the stairs with a huge bag of Chex mix in her arms. She heard the puppy's song start, looked up at me, laughed, and said, "Oh! Funny part."

Anne was putting on my shoes so I asked her where she was going. She told me "Home, see sisters. Call Me. Leave message. Be right back."

It took me 15 minutes to get her to come out of this play area.

Making friends with the manikins.

Did you know they write tickets if the kids aren't wearing socks? We left quickly when they started handing them out.

"Annie, baker," is what she told me when I put the apron on her. That's one big knife.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Annie's Back!!

We picked up Annie yesterday. She was all smiles and giggles. Karla told us a story that I just have to pass on. She had taken Annie out for a "lunch with the girls," and they brought Annie back her meal: noodles, crackers, and toast. These are some of Annie's favorite foods so you can imagine her response. She said, "Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!" One of the ladies Karla was eating with said she felt the same way when she got her food sometimes, but never had the courage to say it.

Annie wanted to watch the magic school bus today, but Adam was watching a tennis match on TV. I told her she had to ask him first. She went over and said, "Magic School Bus, please." Adam told her that she could a little later (the match was in the last set and the score was 5-4). Annie came back over to me (I was sitting five feet away) and said, "Adam says later. Kelsey put it in." (The match ended sadly with Nadal beating Djokovic-what a shame).

I was sitting on the couch with Annie, and she kept trying to push me off. She found this hilarious and kept laughing. Kate came over to see what was going on, and with one good kick, I was off the couch. Annie then tapped the couch next to her (where I had previously been sitting) and said "Katie sit." I feel underappreciated.

Annie also really likes Adam. She was sitting on her potty chair yesterday when she yells "ADAM!!" He went up there to see what she wanted. She smiled at him, and then went on to explain all of the workings of the potty chair to him.

We are glad to have her back and here are some pictures of the day.